

Micro-Moments Center on the Present

Micro-moments often pass us by. We usually don’t realize their beauty or importance because of an obsession with the macro. The mindset of the macro narrows our lens on the “big” things in life. This often keeps us stuck in the past or focusing on the future.

The micro-moments, however, represent the present. Tuning into this part of your life is the in-between. The story of how I evolved to embrace micro-moments is in my book The In-Between: Life in the Micro.

Micro-Moments Require Presence

For most of my life, the macro was all that mattered. I was going to achieve things my way with little consideration of others. I lost sight of what others needed, and it cost me some relationships. I was unable to make them feel understood, appreciated, and not alone.

Opening up to the meaningfulness of micro-moments means that presence is a requirement. When you’re interacting with others, regardless of the context, you have an opportunity to pay attention and receive value. If you live only in the macro, these moments will mean little and seem like a waste of time. You close yourself down to learning and connection.

I Was Once Dead to Everyday Life

It was a nuisance—something in my way. Those were my feelings about everyday life. Unfortunately, this pattern caused me to lose things in the present because I was too fixated on the future.

Finally, I became tired of this cycle. I had to slow down due to a health issue, which led to lots of reflection and introspection. I had to make a conscious decision to reengage in the present. It required me to shed my ego and closed mindset. I was alive again in the micro-moments.

Aiming for the Future and Not the Present

We all make plans and set goals for the future. There’s nothing wrong with this unless it becomes all-consuming. If every action you take is an aim for the future, the present has no value. I made this mistake countless times and didn’t realize the regret until much later. The key is to not create this regret in the first place by being present and acting true to your instinct and core values.

I was “good” at being present when it was competitive or dangerous. You must be present in these moments, but that was my only outlet. Micro-moments weren’t on my radar.

I don’t want to create more remorse in my life because of not being present in the micro-moments. I can still aspire for the future, but I can also stay grounded in the present.

Core Values Keep Me Present in the Micro-Moment

Core values are our identity. Sometimes, they are helpful; others can be harmful. A life only in the macro runs on values that are self-serving and only about the big goal. Core values evolve when you embrace micro-moments. They allow me to filter decisions so that I’m more authentic and present.

Explore more ideas about the micro and presence by reading my book.