

Why Cybersecurity Deserves a Seat at the Leadership Table

cybersecurity leadershipAdaptability and the ability to evolve are core components of cybersecurity. To combat threats and mitigate risk, an organization has to make security a priority and a pillar. Managing this dynamic environment and ensuring these things are part of a company’s foundation means cybersecurity deserves a seat at the leadership table. Cybersecurity leadership is essential to any business’ pursuit of cyber resilience.

However, not every organization has provided this space. Even those with CISOs don’t necessarily bring them into the C-suite. As a result, cybersecurity doesn’t have support at the highest levels. Often, it’s due to culture or a misconception about security’s role in the enterprise. With the threat landscape only becoming vaster and more complex, it’s a pivotal time for cybersecurity leadership to step up.

Cybersecurity Leadership Must Make Risk Real

Senior leaders in most companies have an awareness of risks and threats. They see the same headlines as everyone else and likely know of peers who have been the victim of an attack. Awareness is a start, but you’ll need something more tangible than words. Your communication of this to non-technical people doesn’t have to be fear-mongering. Instead, you can discuss emerging trends that need attention and a plan.

Here are some examples.

Digital transformation and the proliferation of identities.

Your organization is likely on a digital transformation journey. These pursuits push companies forward, allowing them to be more agile, reduce costs, and improve productivity. Those are business goals from a technology strategy. However, with digital transformation comes cyber risk.

A diverse set of endpoints, identities, and access points create more vulnerabilities, giving hackers more opportunities to cause harm. Identity compromise is a favored attack mode, so you must express how this progress needs a security guide.

Attack techniques continue to rise in sophistication.

Cybercriminals are persistent and focused on the goals of infiltration and breaching. They continue evolving their toolset to deliver more realistic phishing messages in many channels to launch a ransomware attack or steal valuable data. Further complicating this is the cybercrime-as-a-service trend. Threat actors don’t have to be technically astute. They can simply hire a hacker.

This is a concerning topic and one your C-suite needs to know. They need to understand that as cybercriminal tactics evolve, your strategy must, as well, which often requires funding for headcount and/or technology.

Cybersecurity talent is scarce.

The cybersecurity workforce landscape remains challenging. The ISC 2022 Cybersecurity Workforce Study reported that there are over 3.4 million jobs unfilled in the field. As a cyber leader, you’ll get all too aware of this problem. Without the right staff, risk increases, and 80% of organizations that experienced a breach attributed it to a lack of cybersecurity talent or awareness.

Your company’s leadership needs the facts on how cybersecurity recruitment and retention impact risk and security. Making them realize how crucial this is can result in more funding for you to attract and upskill cyber professionals.

By giving people concrete examples of why cybersecurity matters, you get your seat at the table. Then you can turn to maturing the program. With that comes new challenges to keep that place.

Maturing and Modernizing Cybersecurity Requires Leadership Support

There are discussions you’ll need to have on an ongoing basis with your leadership peers. Don’t keep cybersecurity in a black box. Instead, communicate what’s really happening in a way that they’ll get. Some of those conversations should include these topics.

  • Emphasize the need for automation: You can’t introduce automation into cybersecurity workflows without consensus and support. Embracing automation can deliver a high return, as it reduces manual, repetitive work, so your cyber employees can focus on more strategic work. Overall, it promotes efficiency, consistency, and productivity.
  • Play offense with cybersecurity: Most C-suite members who aren’t technical think of cybersecurity as a defensive strategy. Being proactive is what will keep you in the game. With this approach, you can identify the most serious risks and map your cybersecurity strategy to them. You’ll be able to close gaps faster and stay ahead of threats.
  • Make the business case for cybersecurity: There’s often a disconnect between business goals and cybersecurity. They need a connection for all leaders to understand the implications and the quantifiable impact of risk. You and your team must be able to simplify the messaging and hit the right points for the business side to consider cybersecurity as a bedrock to everything versus an afterthought.

What’s the key to all these actions you need to take? It hinges on people skills, not technical skills. A CISO isn’t a technical role, at least not anymore. Today, CISOs are risk assessors, strategy builders, people developers, and priority determiners.

Enhancing and building your people skills along with those of your staff is imperative to remain at the table. So, what people skills do CISOs need?

Cybersecurity Leadership and People Skills

Cybersecurity leaders will need a high number of soft skills to be successful at the table. Geek speak won’t work with this crowd. Continuing to work on these skills and impart their importance to your staff matters. Here are the things that will make a difference in keeping your seat.

Be a great communicator and speaker.

Communication skills are at the top of the list. You’ll need to be sincere, genuine, and honest with what you say and be an expert listener. As a strong communicator, you can engage others in a discussion that helps them learn about risks and countermeasures. Presenting findings and information to the board and C-suite requires explanations that make sense and are relevant to the audience.

Develop policies that serve the enterprise.

You are now responsible for many policies about security. When bringing these to leadership, you’ll need to do so in a way that benefits and means something to the entire organization.

Interact and persuade.

You’ll need some political skills to manage priorities and deliver recommendations. You should do so by listening first and responding with convincing arguments with proof.

Understand the business and its objectives.

As a CISO, you must ensure that what’s important is secure. Being successful with this requires you to be aware of what the big picture is for the company.

Embrace collaboration and manage conflict.

You’re making the case that cybersecurity doesn’t live in a silo and that it impacts every area of the business. As such, you have to develop deep collaboration with your leadership peers and foster within your team and their work with others. Being able to manage conflict is vital, as well, as others will have competing opinions and priorities.

Act strategically at all times.

Every plan you design needs a strategy behind it. There are often many layers to this, and you must balance the protocols of security with innovation and business goals. Your approach should also be flexible, as you’ll always need to pivot in cybersecurity.

Manage your people effectively and with transparency.

Another critical part of your soft skill toolbox is being an excellent manager for your team. Your staff executes the strategies you’re presenting to leadership. They are essential to keeping everything secure and thwarting attacks. Being open and transparent builds trust and respect. If you achieve this, it’s easier to express how your team will implement plans.

It’s not always easy to be consistent here, as cybersecurity is a high-stress environment. However, there are ways to keep yourself on the right path and instill this in others.

Ensure empathy is part of how you lead and collaborate.

Empathy in business means seeing the perspective and view of others. Organizations that lack it often have rampant mistrust and disengagement. Expressing it within your team and your collaboration with colleagues can go a long way to demonstrating the value of cybersecurity to the organization.

If you want to further your own soft skill development and that of your team, you can with the proper framework. This idea is the central theme of the Secure Methodology™. It’s a seven-step process for encouraging and developing people skills.

How the Secure Methodology Helps You Keep Your Seat

In seven phases, you can improve how you interact and communicate. It’s important to have the skills and build them in others. If your cyber team operates in this way, all the things you need to do as a leader become easier.

Each step has specific lessons and exercises that focus on communication, collaboration, change, growth, motivation, and transparency. It’s a framework designed for technical people to transform how they behave and react to be more positive, inclusive, and aware. There’s also an element of continuous improvement. The evolution of yourself and your team propels you forward with less friction, animosity, posturing, and strain.

The Secure Methodology is something that can support cybersecurity and the whole enterprise. Its pillars promote a healthy culture so that innovation and security can walk parallel. This is really important to other leaders who often think security is the enemy of innovation.

Start your Secure Methodology journey today by checking out the course.

How to Create a Culture of Innovation in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity CultureCreating a cybersecurity culture isn’t a novel idea. It’s one that’s been around for some time, as the field and organizations realized that cybersecurity isn’t just about tools, protocols, and technical aptitude. Culture is much more about the people and, as a result, makes it much harder to build and sustain. People are unpredictable and don’t always have the skillsets to participate in culture. There’s an additional component of cultural manifestation, and it revolves around innovation. So, how do you develop a cybersecurity culture of innovation?

If it’s not a question you’re asking yourself as a cybersecurity leader, I would suggest you should. Innovation is the enemy of complacency. However, it requires cyber teams to look beyond their technical aptitude and leverage soft skills, which they may not have. It can seem like an uphill battle, but it’s worth considering the benefits it can bring your staff and business. Those advantages include satisfied employees, mitigation of risk, and the ability to meet continuous improvement goals.

So, let’s talk about fostering innovation in your cybersecurity culture.

What Is a Cybersecurity Culture of Innovation?

At the foundation of culture are people and behaviors. If those whose job is to protect data and networks have a closed mindset, fail to evolve their conceptions, or believe they are the smartest people in the room, culture will always be toxic. In these cases, risks become greater, turnover is high, and communication is nonexistent.

Conversely, a healthy culture has open-minded participants that want to work together effectively and continuously learn. That is an environment where innovation can thrive. It’s a place that welcomes new ideas, which can lead to a better security posture, engaged employees, and greater productivity. In this scenario, everyone benefits.

As you assess your current culture, you probably have gaps, some more than others. Filling those gaps aligns really well with the Secure Methodology™, so I’ll be referring to that as I describe the steps to take. The Secure Methodology is a seven-step guide for cybersecurity leaders to leverage to develop the people skills of technical folks. These steps don’t focus on cyber skills but rather interpersonal ones, which is the core of culture.

Building a Culture of Innovation

No matter where you’re starting in the culture journey, these pivotal elements will be necessary to propel your organization into one that’s agile, forward-thinking, and connected. Here are the areas to help you formulate a plan.

Cybersecurity Culture Involves Three Different Levels

When considering any culture configuration, there are always three levels to consider, from the top to the individual. While they have different roles in the organization and responsibilities around cybersecurity, they must work together to maintain a culture.


This segment is the c-suite, including the CEO and CISO. They must lead by example if they want the culture to permeate. They are top-level decision-makers, but those don’t happen in a vacuum. They need to understand risk and how cyber operations work, which requires clear, consistent communication from cyber teams and individuals. Unfortunately, communication is often the skill most lacking in technical employees. If those that set the strategy and budgets are only fed geek speak, culture leadership is working with a handicap.

Communication, of course, goes both ways. When leaders set a precedent on how they expect communication to flow, it can break down some barriers. In the end, the c-suite needs communication development, as well. It’s especially true regarding what questions they ask, which should be more granular than they might currently be.


Your cyber team comprises people with various skill sets, experience, and expertise. If they can build a coalition that taps into this, they’ll be at a good place regarding culture. However, we’re talking about behavior, communication, and cooperation. Those things are usually the Achilles’ heel of any cyber team.

The team dynamic and evolving it is a big part of the Secure Methodology. Its guidance takes into account the typical lack of people skills and how that impacts cybersecurity culture. Too often, your team operates in silos and wants to continue in this way. Many times, it’s about a fear that others will find out they don’t know everything. Except that’s precisely the kind of mindset you need to innovate!

When working on culture at this level, the Secure Methodology is an excellent framework that you can use to cultivate communication skills, awareness, empathy, and more.


The last layer of culture is the individual. What applies here is similar to the team level with caveats. The biggest of those is motivation, as each person has their own. At this level, as the leader, you must make specific connections to understand that individual’s capacity to change and grow. It’s the most challenging part of cultural shifts, and not every person on your team will be ready for this.

The Secure Methodology includes exercises throughout the seven steps to assist with this. How each person reacts to these will determine their long-term cultural fit.

Now that we’ve looked at each level of culture, here are some more tips you can use to further the pursuit of innovation.

Find Cultural Evangelists

Within your cyber staff, you’ll find those that are all-in on cementing culture as innovative. These people already have a good base of people skills and will prosper in this new dynamic. Assign those employees to be cultural evangelists. They can work together to develop training and upskilling opportunities. Since it’s coming from their peers, others may find this more inviting and appealing.

Define the Language of Innovation

Earlier I discussed the issues in communication among cyber professionals and mentioned their love of geek speak. Many use this language because they don’t want to reveal their weaknesses or limitations. It’s your job to banish this language and identify what the tenets of communication should be, which can include:

  • Eliminating jargon that has no purpose
  • Encouraging and promoting active listening skills, which are just as important as language
  • Using inclusive language so that those individuals outside of cyber teams would understand
  • Reframing communication as a way to reach a result that technical people can relate to
  • Simplifying messaging
  • Praising positive communication moments to reinforce the value of it
  • Outlining how clear communication leads to innovation

Transform Fixed Mindsets into Growth Mindsets

Mindset is the second step in the Secure Methodology, and it is critical to culture. People either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. You, of course, want professionals with the latter. That doesn’t mean those with fixed ones can’t evolve and grow, but it does take work.

A fixed mindset hampers your organization’s ability to be proactive in security and forward-thinking. These folks don’t want to innovate around this because it’s too unknown and uncertain. It will also erode culture. Here are some key steps to transform mindsets:

  • Coaching and reflection: When communicating with a fixed mindset, asking the right questions matters. You need to take them back to a moment when their fixed mindset was a barrier. Such a moment could instigate reflection and more awareness of their behaviors.
  • Asking why: Again, questions posed to these folks can create aha moments. There’s an exercise called the 7 Levels Deep Exercise, which I recommend. It will help uncover motivations.
  • Praising mindset changes: The third thing to do is to acknowledge and recognize when you see mindset shifts from fixed to growth. Something as simple as this can make a significant impact on future behavior.

To round out this discussion, I want to leave you with some additional insights into innovation and security.

Innovation and Security Aren’t Foes

One of the biggest misconceptions in the cyber world is that security is a barrier to innovation. Such a perspective is dangerous to your culture and ability to defend data and networks in the cyber war. Security does not impede innovation. In fact, they work together very well with the proper perspective.

It’s not unlike the principles of DevSecOps, where development, security, and operations convene. In this strategy, security is part of the conversation from the beginning. It has equal weight with development and procedures, as it should. You cannot have innovation without security. Innovation, at its core, is about devising solutions that enable better results. If security is outside the innovation bubble, you may have a good idea, but it won’t come to fruition. It won’t be deployable and scalable.

So, you must build the case that they both can coexist harmoniously and should always have a link. Otherwise, you’ll waste time, money, and resources. If you leverage the tips and ideas from this post, you can easily demonstrate how vital security is to innovation.

If you’re ready to build your culture of innovation, you should learn more about the Secure Methodology, which you can find in my book, The Smartest Person in the Room. Additionally, I have a Secure Methodology course, which delves further into the seven steps. Check them both out today.

Questions to Ask a vCISO

CISO as a serviceCISO (Chief Information Security Officer) services can be an excellent business solution, but it doesn’t come without challenges. Many companies rush into finding vCISO services and end up with a relationship they did not expect. If your organization is considering going this route for your cybersecurity initiatives, you’ll want to compare providers. Start your hiring a CISO-as-a-Service by asking potential partners these questions.

Why Should You Consider Hiring a CISO-as-a-Service?

There are many reasons that companies choose to hire a CISO-as-a-Service. It allows companies of any size to have a robust, best-in-class cybersecurity strategy and plan. It’s an affordable approach to managing cybersecurity activities and enables organizations to mature their cybersecurity posture. Many startups or leaner enterprises don’t have the option to pay a high salary for a CISO.

You can engage a CISO-as-a-Service provider to provide strategic and tactical support. There’s no training time involved in hiring a consultant, so there’s no delay in getting started.

Time to Ask the Right Questions

There are many options for CISO-as-a-Service for businesses. However, they aren’t necessarily equal in their capabilities, experience, or breadth of services. Some providers also treat the service as one-size-fits-all, and that’s not in anyone’s best interest. Every company is unique and has its own sets of risks and challenges. To best compare the offerings, ask the right questions.

1. Do they have experience in your industry and the compliance regulations specific to it?

Highly regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance, have specific needs when it comes to CISOs and cybersecurity. There are laws and regulations to which you must adhere. If that applies to your business, it’s imperative to ask about their past experience with these compliance measures. Without specific experience, you may find the provider hitting a learning curve, which could cause delays and exposure to risk.

2. Do they have audit experience?

On day one, the CISO-as-a-Service should perform audits to understand where your cybersecurity is and where it needs to go. These are fundamental activities, but this doesn’t mean every provider offers them or has experience with them.

The most important audits are a data Breach Prevention Audit (BPA) and a CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) audit. Ask the provider about how they conduct the audits and what the deliverables will look like. Request samples of these audits if available.

3. Have they developed and implemented strategic security plans?

The main objective of hiring a CISO-as-a-Service is for the firm to develop a strategic security plan and then implement it. When assessing vendors, dig deep into their experience with these two things. It’s one thing for a provider to say they’ve created plans in an abstract way. It’s another when they have specific examples of doing so for other customers and what they have helped them achieve.

For a CISO-as-a-Service to be legitimate and reputable, they don’t need a long list of well-known brands as customers. What they do need is case studies and data that show they were able to execute on developed plans. Viewing a high-level cybersecurity roadmap example can instill great confidence that the company has the experience to lead your security efforts.

4. Do they have expertise in strategic and tactical roles?

As noted, a CISO-as-a-Service can serve both a strategic and tactical role. In most cases, businesses want to leverage both. They must have expertise in both areas. Here are the differences:

  • Strategic CISO-as-a-Service roles assist leadership teams with cybersecurity strategies that align with business objectives. This strategy includes one-, two-, and three-year roadmaps. You’ll receive guidance and recommendations on cybersecurity best practices to prevent incidents and breaches.
  • Tactical CISO-as-a-Service roles actually execute the tasks within the strategy. The CISO-as-a-Service acts as a project manager to offer oversight on these activities.

5. Is there one point of contact?

Typically, CISO-as-a-Service isn’t one individual. Rather, it’s a team of experts that have knowledge in multiple areas. That’s certainly the model you want to find because it means you have access to a group of experts. But what helps is having one point of contact to discuss tasks and deliverables. A dedicated project manager helps keep things organized and streamlined so you’re always up to date.

6. What kind of reporting do they offer?

Reporting is key to cybersecurity. From regular reporting, you learn about vulnerabilities, threats, user behaviors, and more. At a minimum, you should receive monthly reports on these concerns and what the CISO-as-a-Service has deployed.

7. Do you have Incident Response Plan experience?

If you don’t currently have an Incident Response Plan (IRP) or haven’t revisited it in a while, this need will shift to your CISO-as-a-Service. Make sure this deliverable is part of their services. They can quickly develop an interim one, then work to craft a formal IRP and ensure all parties are aware of it and know their roles.

8. How do they stay up to date with cybersecurity trends?

Cybersecurity threats are always evolving. Threat actors use sophisticated phishing techniques, and hackers deploy many attempts to penetrate networks. You need a team that has a pulse on what’s going on right now in the security world. Ask potential partners how they stay up to date and learn about new challenges, solutions, and tools.

Ready to Hire a CISO-as-a-Service?

If you’re planning to hire a CISO-as-a-Service, be sure to ask these questions as you evaluate vendors. Our solution is comprehensive, cost-effective, and delivers value for your business. You can get started by booking a discovery session with me today!

A CISO Isn’t a Technical Role

CISO roleThe role of CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) is a relative newcomer to the C-suite. Its importance has grown considerably in the last decade as cyber threats became such a high risk. As companies decided they had real challenges with information security, the CISO gained more power to protect their data and digital interests.

There is no debate over the importance of having a CISO on staff, but I’m going to make a possibly controversial statement. A CISO isn’t a technical role. I don’t mean that those with this title shouldn’t have technical acumen, but there are other skills relating to leadership and strategy that matter more than being an expert on every aspect of cybersecurity.

In this post, I’ll make a case for why it isn’t a technical role and define the most critical CISO skills.

Who Are Today’s CISOs?

The path to CISO has evolved significantly in the past 25 years. In the early days, a CISO was compliance-focused, and the functions were purely in the IT bucket. Then risks became a bigger concern, and the job became much less tactical. CISOs were involved in policy and procedure development and creating frameworks.

In the past five years, CISOs have become a central leadership role. They have responsibility for a large portfolio, from cloud strategy to IAM (identity and access management) to mergers and acquisitions. They are the determiners of risk and its priority.

What Challenges Do CISOs Face?

To better understand the skills that matter for CISOs, it’s helpful to know where they are struggling. These insights are from the Global CISO Study.

  • Only 19% state they are highly effective at preventing security breaches.
  • 30% of those surveyed said lack of resources (people and technology) is an obstacle to better security.
  • Regarding talent, 91% said attracting and upskilling were critical for success, while 89% said retaining existing employees was.

Based on this data, I can make some assumptions. CISOs aren’t exceptionally confident in their security posture. They also have lots of concerns regarding staff. They don’t have enough, can’t attract them, and have a hard time keeping them. The cybersecurity job market is flush with opportunity, but that’s somewhat of a negative.

As I’ve talked about before, the demand for these roles created a swarm of paper tigers. These are folks with certifications in cybersecurity who don’t have the skills or experience to handle the demands of the job.

A CISO is like any other C-suite role. They have to build out a team, except now the org chart has more and more layers. This elevation, just like other executives, means they aren’t executors. They set the strategy, make the big decisions, and hopefully hire the right people.

A Less Technical “Outsider” CISO Simplifies Cybersecurity

The concern with a “technical” CISO is they may have come from a paper tiger culture. Lots of CISOs got the job because they had the certifications and degrees. Those hiring them weren’t technical. So, when such a person used overcomplicated language and complex cybersecurity frameworks, the CEO was like, “You’re hired.”

Unfortunately, that path could be making your cybersecurity weak and your network ripe for exploitation. These individuals posture, typically don’t listen to others, and have less-than-optimal communication skills.

Whereas if the CISO is less technical and not an internal ladder climber, it could simplify and improve cybersecurity. These “outsiders” are likely to have more clarity and do the thing they really need to do — lead.

They aren’t distracted by trying to be the smartest person in the room. Instead, they listen and communicate well. They defer to experts about the technical stuff or the newest tools to automate. The truth is cybersecurity strategies don’t need to be complicated to work. Simple is actually better in many cases. And simple comes from people skills, not technical ones.

What Are the Most Important CISO Skills?

An article in Forbes by Darren Death named the Top 10 Skills a CISO needs to be successful (full disclosure, he is a CISO). Here’s the list with my own commentary on each skill.

1. Communication and Presentation Skills

Every leader needs to be a master communicator. Having excellent communication skills is not the same as being articulate or liking to talk. Communication is about listening. When someone is a strong communicator, they engage in conversation with others to learn, not refute. Additionally, communicators use language carefully for clarity.

Presentation skills are equally important. At that level of role, you have to present findings to the rest of the C-suite and board. These presentations must explain where the company is and where it needs to be in cybersecurity to get the funding and resources required.

2. Policy Development and Administration

Policies are the responsibility of a CISO, but technical prowess isn’t needed. What is necessary is developing things that are implementable at scale. What they create must meet the company’s goals and any legal requirements.

3. Political Skills

A CISO needs to be able to interact and persuade. They also need to know what the rest of the executive team needs and their cybersecurity concerns. This is where more of those great listening skills come into play.

4. Knowledge and Understanding of the Business and Its Mission

A CISO’s highest task is to keep what’s important secure. They can’t do this well if they don’t understand the business, its operations, and the missions it seeks to deliver. Grasping the big picture is essential for an effective CISO.

5. Collaboration and Conflict Management

Cybersecurity is not an island unto itself. It involves every area of the business. A great CISO creates partnerships with all those stakeholders. A culture of collaboration can go a long way to improving security. Being able to resolve conflict is also a plus because different parties have competing priorities and opinions.

6. Planning and Strategic Management

Being a planner is also a necessity for the role. There are lots of moving pieces in projects, as well as many people. In planning, a CISO must also be strategic to support the business’s desired risk posture. They also need to be flexible enough in these to pivot when necessary.

7. Supervisory Skills

The CISO is only the top of the team. They have many folks under them that are implementing and executing. Thus, the role needs to be a proven supervisor who chooses to mentor and develop people. This is no place for a dictator.

8. Incident Management

Incidents will happen; preparation is crucial. The CISO should develop, test, and augment an incident management plan.

9. Regulatory and Compliance Knowledge

No matter the industry, there are regulatory and compliance obligations. A CISO should know these inside and out so everything the company does is in line with them. They’ll also need to stay on top of changes, which occur often.

10. Risk Assessment and Management

We end with risk ownership. Risk assessment and management is a never-ending part of the job. A CISO must be in tune with the fluctuating levels of risk and new and emerging ones.

If someone has these 10 skills, they are well-positioned to be a great leader in information security. If they happen to have technical skills, too, all the better. But a narrow focus on a technical CISO is likely to fall flat when what an organization needs is a communicator, mentor, and strategy expert.

CISOs Will Likely Be Culture Leaders, Too

PwC and Harvard Business Review survey on making cybersecurity a competitive advantage also notes that culture will soon be in the CISO bucket. If that plays out, the need for soft skills like those above will far outweigh technical ones. They’ll be setting the security culture, but that has a significant impact on organizational culture. Security, after all, is a responsibility for all employees. Further, when a company has strong cybersecurity, it can be a competitive advantage. It can attract more customers and revenue, reduce costs in other areas, and contribute to job satisfaction.

Cybersecurity and CISOs Are Positively Evolving

The abilities that matter the most for a CISO to succeed have little to do with technical aptitude. The role evolved dramatically and will continue to do so in a positive manner. The entire industry of cybersecurity is, too, and can benefit from these skills. To revolutionize your cybersecurity practices and the team behind it, you’ll learn a lot from my book, The Smartest Person in the Room. Get your copy today for a better cybersecurity future.

Check Out The Smartest Person in The Room