

Cybersecurity Workforce Retention: Keep Top Talent with the Secure Methodology

cybersecurity jobsFinding qualified and skilled talent has been a struggle in cybersecurity for years. According to data, that’s only getting harder. Exasperating the cybersecurity workforce shortage is the fact that retaining employees is challenging. Cybersecurity workforce retention is as important as your recruitment strategies.

So, how do you keep cyber professionals on the job? It’s not an easy answer, as so many factors impact this. However, you can build a retention plan alongside your recruitment strategy. In this post, we’ll uncover why turnover occurs and how to create a culture and environment that will make them stay.

The Cybersecurity Workforce Retention: State of the Industry

A study from the ISACA found that 60% of cyber leaders said it was difficult to retain cybersecurity professionals, up 7% year-over-year. The survey outlined why it’s happening, with these being the top reasons:

  • Recruited by other companies (59%)
  • Compensation and incentives (48%)
  • Few promotion and development opportunities (47%)
  • The high stress of the job (45%)
  • No management support (34%)

Some of these challenges are easier to combat than others. Currently, cybersecurity jobs are greater than those available to fill them. A study estimated that over 3.4 million cyber jobs are available, which will only increase. As a result, other companies will try to lure away your employees, even if they aren’t actively looking for another job. How they respond to this will depend on how they feel about working for you in terms of money, autonomy, support, and satisfaction.

Compensation is another tricky area. Competitors may be offering more money. While that’s a critical part of why people work, money may not be the top factor in retention. Regardless, depending on their experience, role, and market, you should pay your team a fair wage. With the cost of living increasing, you must keep up with this.

Next is development, which is something you can control. Continuing to train and upskill your team shows you’re investing in them and their future. You should also be clear with them about the opportunities to advance.

Stress is inevitable in almost any job. Cybersecurity is a dynamic industry with fire drills all the time. Focusing on ways to destress workers should be part of your culture. It could be rewarding your team with social or team-building activities. Having an open door for employees to share their experiences with you and their stress can also be helpful.

Finally, you have complete purview over management support. As a leader, you have to earn and keep the respect of your team. Being a great leader requires you to communicate honestly, listen intently, acknowledge their work, and support them in any way you can.

Addressing these common reasons for turnover is critical for your organization because its impact is considerable.

The Impact of Turnover

An inability to retain staff affects many aspects of operations. Being understaffed creates more risk because everyone’s stretched thin. It’s easy to miss key things when someone is overwhelmed. Turnover also prevents your ability to be more strategic because you’re in a reactive mode versus a proactive one. Productivity suffers as well.

Turnover also costs you money. The average cost of hire is $4,700 and could be even greater considering how in demand these roles are. It’s in your best interest to retain your technical folks, which isn’t easy. You may be looking at many methods to decrease turnover, including increasing wages and benefits, allowing for flexible work, asking for feedback from your team to propel improvement, and providing the right tools to do the job.

Those are all good things to have, but retention has much to do with engagement, satisfaction, feeling valued, and having respect for leadership. These things can mean more than money, which is why applying the Secure Methodology™ to cybersecurity workforce retention makes sense. It’s a seven-step guide that defines a roadmap to transform technical people into highly communicative and collaborative professionals.

Let’s see how each step can support retention.

Applying the Secure Methodology to Cybersecurity Workforce Retention

With every step of the Secure Methodology, there are lessons to learn that impact retention. Here’s how to use these in your organization.

Step One: Awareness

Tapping into awareness is an important attribute to have in life and work. We all have blind spots, but some are bigger than others. Without being aware of these, there are consequences. It negatively impacts relationships and erodes trust. Without being aware, your team doesn’t realize how their behavior affects others and the environment. Things can become toxic very fast. If those things are lacking, it’s easy to see why some would want to leave.

Awareness means being cognizant of your blind spots and working to address them. A more aware team will be more collaborative and communicative. Here are some ways that this can support retention:


Coaching is vital to broadening awareness. If you can open the eyes of your team in a conducive way, they may have “aha” moments. Shifting their stance from being self-centered allows people to get a better perspective.


Using specific, relatable language helps technical people better understand expectations and culture. When there’s no confusion about where everyone should focus, they will likely feel more empowered.


Understanding motivations is critical to unlocking awareness. Tapping into what makes them tick helps strip away some of the technical posturing cyber professionals often do. Knowing their motivations allows you to personalize how you support and coach them.

Step Two: Mindset

There are two types of mindsets — fixed and open. Many technical folks have fixed mindsets with no desire to change, learn, or grow. However, it doesn’t mean they have to stay that way. Fixed mindsets are poisonous to retention. Even if one in the group is this way, it can taint it for others. When we’re fixed, we refuse to move.

A growth mindset is freeing and enables people to be flexible and adaptable, which is necessary for cybersecurity. Evolving a fixed mindset to a growth one is possible, but it requires commitment from you and the employee.

Some key results of a fixed mindset include:

  • The ability to reflect on situations and understand how to handle it differently.
  • Healthier and consistent communication.
  • A culture that welcomes growth personally and professionally.
  • Growth mindsets can be a significant reason employees stay with your organization.

Step Three: Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment is scarce in technical fields. Yet, it’s so crucial to retention. Your employees want appreciation for the work they do. Its absence is because most cyber leaders only respond to things when they go wrong. The small wins everyday matter so much to your people, so you must become vigilant about feedback.

Your approach to acknowledgment should include:

  • Being positive by looking at what went right first
  • Specificity in your feedback
  • Immediately offering feedback in the moment
  • Praise in public and relay ways to improve in private
  • Consistency in how you address acknowledgment

Lack of appreciation and lack of feeling valued are two primary reasons why people leave their jobs. If your people don’t receive acknowledgment, they’ll actively seek another job.

Step Four: Communication

Communication is part of every step in the Secure Methodology, along with having its own step. It is, without a doubt, the most critical part of a thriving culture and support to retention. You probably know there are communication issues among your technical folks. It doesn’t mean they aren’t articulate. Rather, their communication styles are often too aggressive, overly complicated with geek speak, and always on the defense. They also suck at listening, the other component of communication.

This storm of dysfunction will have people, often your best, running away from your organization. Thus, it’s critical to make communication the foundation of your culture and retention strategy. Here’s how to use it:

  • Be honest and transparent as a leader.
  • Move away from overly technical language and simplify the message.
  • Encourage open discussion and dialogue that’s respectful.
  • Praise your people when they make adjustments in communication.
  • Practice active listening in exercises, so they grasp how crucial it is.

If you can lay out these tenets, your people will likely see the value and follow you. If some still don’t realize it, they may be dragging others down. In some cases, you may have to let those folks go, so they don’t make it unbearable for everyone else.

Step Five: Monotasking

Monotasking is focusing on one thing, the opposite of multitasking. Many describe multitasking as an excellent quality, but it can actually hamper productivity. Forcing multitasking can make your people feel pulled in many directions. Those feelings create animosity and dissatisfaction. So, remove this pressure and instead recommend blocking time for specific tasks, meetings without distractions, and saying “no” to some things that aren’t urgent.

Step Six: Empathy

Empathy is a valuable quality to have. In terms of cybersecurity, cognitive empathy is essential for a healthy environment. It means that others can understand the feelings and perspectives of others. Without it, you have no team or human connection, and you need those to retain your people. All the things you put in place to get to this step support the building of empathy. Developing this in your team enables a trust factor and creates more satisfaction.

Step Seven: Kaizen

The final step is kaizen, which is a Japanese term. When translated into English, it means “continuous improvement.” So, this step isn’t an end to the journey; it’s how to sustain it. If your team believes in this process, they’ll want to continue identifying ways to improve and follow through with them. When kaizen is part of your cybersecurity culture, your technical folks will evolve and realize that this is where they can continue learning and growing.

Retaining your workforce won’t be easy. With the Secure Methodology, you have a framework. You can go more in-depth by reading my book, The Smartest Person in the Room, and viewing the Secure Methodology course.

Cybersecurity and Meaningful Work: Why New Generations Entering the Field Want Purpose

Cybersecurity Purpose - Christian EspinosaThe cybersecurity talent pipeline is facing the same challenges as many industries. A strong job market and low unemployment mean that many well-qualified professionals aren’t actively seeking new jobs. As a result, cybersecurity needs to look to the latest generation entering the workforce, Gen Z. Gen Z is a unique generation, which makes the ability to recruit and retain them much different. They have new ideas about work and that it should be more than a job and provide them with purpose and fulfillment—a trending topic in the world of HR known as meaningful work.

In this post, we’ll examine the Gen Z demographic, what matters to them, the concept of meaningful work, and how cybersecurity leaders can use this information to connect with a new generation of workers.

All About Gen Z and Their Entrance into the Workforce

Gen Z describes individuals born between 1997 and 2012. They currently make up almost 21% of the U.S. population. The oldest of this group have entered the job market, with many more to come in the next few years.

Gen Z is described as the most racially and ethnically diverse generation. They are also digital natives who have had a device in their hands most of their lives. This demographic has also been through many major events during their young lives, including the war on terror, a major recession where they witnessed parents and family members lose jobs, and the pandemic.

All these factors shape how they view work and what’s important to them. They are often adamant about work-life balance, flexibility, autonomy, and having modern technology as part of their job. In addition to these expectations, they also want to work for organizations that share their values. In fact, 77% of Gen Z said this was important in response to a survey conducted by Deloitte. Another thing they value highly in an employer is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), which 87% agreed was critical when considering jobs.

Gen Z also cares about company culture. Cybersecurity should be very culture-focused, which could entice them. Overall, they want to work for a company that cares about their well-being.

Work for them isn’t about a “grind” or purely a transactional relationship. They desire meaningful work, and if it’s not present, they’ll have no problem moving to the next opportunity. Long gone are the days when employees worked for a single company their entire lives.

As a cybersecurity leader, ingesting this information about Gen Z may give you pause. Yet, they have some key attributes that make them attractive as workers beyond technical skills.

How Gen Z Workers Can Benefit Cybersecurity

Gen Z had a big head start on technology aptitude. It’s been part of their lives forever, and they’ve been early adopters. Beyond these skills, cybersecurity leaders are placing more emphasis on people skills, which is the central message in my book, The Smartest Person in the Room. These can be very hard to develop in older workers that have been in the industry for years.

The nature of Gen Z’s life experiences naturally predisposes them to value being communicators and collaborators. The stereotype of this group as never putting down their phones and being detached in communication isn’t accurate. They do love tech and spend lots of time on social media, but it’s not their entire personality.

Since they sincerely care about the world around them, they also understand the value of having strong interpersonal skills. Some might not be as confident in soft skills, but they won’t “fight” you on realizing the need to develop them as older generations may. As a result, they may be more amenable to participating in exercises, programs, and activities that will help them cultivate better people skills.

All these things make Gen Z an attractive group for cybersecurity careers. The onus of making your industry and company appealing has a lot to do with meaningful work.

What Is Meaningful Work?

Meaningful work is a newish concept in the world of HR. Its definition is somewhat flexible because “meaning” is subjective to an individual. The idea is universal in that it means that an employee believes the work to be important for the greater good and is part of something. As a result, workers are motivated and engaged in what they do.

Another aspect of meaningful work is that employees can use critical thinking skills and be problem-solvers versus taskmasters.

Both align with a career in cybersecurity and what Gen Z wants in a career. In the end, meaningful work is good for workers and businesses.

For example, employees who engage in meaningful work from their perspective may positively impact their mental health, something Gen Z is serious about. Healthier employees typically have fewer absences than their depressed counterparts. They’ll also be more engaged in building a strong cybersecurity culture and collaborating to do great things.

An environment of meaningful work supports retention, as well. The attachment that occurs in this situation delivers tangible benefits. Companies can see 50% less turnover and a 56% increase in job performance.

It can also deter burnout, which can be a problem in cybersecurity. It’s a high-stress field with many risks, threats, and stakeholders. If you have a team that feels the work is meaningful, that you and the organization value them, and is a culture that’s inclusive, you have an advantage over others. As a result, you’ll be a more attractive option for those entering the field.

So, how do you promote your company as one that delivers meaningful work?

Attracting Gen Z with the Promise of Meaningful Work

There are a few key strategies to consider when recruiting Gen Z and using the angle of meaningful work. First, it’s essential to know that Gen Z is proactive in their job search. For those in college, a quarter of them began job searching in the first two years. Second, they seek internships to get experience for the future and test out a field to see if it’s a good fit. Taking this into consideration, here are some ideas.

Partner with Universities and Community Colleges to Find Talent

Get to Gen Z while they are still learning by creating relationships with educational institutions. It’s an excellent way for students to become aware of your company. This can lead to mutually beneficial internships. The first impressions that Gen Z has about your company will matter, so talk about culture and how much you value interpersonal skills as much as technical ones.

Add Meaningful Work to Job Descriptions

Most cybersecurity job descriptions are dry and standard. It looks like a computer wrote it! Gen Z will not respond to this, as they value authenticity. Be honest in how you position your roles. Yes, it’s important to talk about technical skills, but you can also include that meaningful work is part of your organization and that you provide an environment where people can learn and grow.

Tap Your Current Gen Z Employees for Referrals

If you already have Gen Z workers on your team, talk to them about referrals. Ideally, if they are happy with the company and the work, they’ll be up for this. A referral is better than most applications for both parties. For you, it’s a sign that your employee vouches for them. For the candidate, they’ve heard about what it’s really like to work for you and weren’t discouraged by what they learned.

Once Gen Z becomes part of your group, you have another consideration that makes or breaks. How will older generations react to them?

Is Your Team Ready for Gen Z and Meaningful Work?

If you’ve made meaningful work a priority, then your current employees know this. However, it’s not going to matter to all of them. Some are still stuck in old perceptions about cybersecurity. Their “meaning” is that they are the smartest, most capable technical people. If that’s your current predicament, there will be some friction.

In a way, you have to prepare them for the entrance of Gen Z, which will require that they work on their people skills. Hopefully, they’ll realize this process benefits them in many ways. However, it involves change, and resistance is inevitable. Through the Secure Methodology™, which I developed in my book, you can find a seven-step guide on how to transform these outdated mindsets.

They’ll be helpful for all your employees, regardless of their generation. The way they respond and their effort will vary. Ultimately, you’re trying to work as a cohesive team that respects each other, cooperates well, communicates clearly, and can find meaning in what they do.

The journey ahead will be challenging at times. You have a chance to make a real difference in the lives of your employees and your company’s ability to manage risk and mitigate threats. Use the Secure Methodology as a blueprint to do that. Get the entire message by reading my book and check out the Secure Methodology course, as well.

How to Create a Culture of Innovation in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity CultureCreating a cybersecurity culture isn’t a novel idea. It’s one that’s been around for some time, as the field and organizations realized that cybersecurity isn’t just about tools, protocols, and technical aptitude. Culture is much more about the people and, as a result, makes it much harder to build and sustain. People are unpredictable and don’t always have the skillsets to participate in culture. There’s an additional component of cultural manifestation, and it revolves around innovation. So, how do you develop a cybersecurity culture of innovation?

If it’s not a question you’re asking yourself as a cybersecurity leader, I would suggest you should. Innovation is the enemy of complacency. However, it requires cyber teams to look beyond their technical aptitude and leverage soft skills, which they may not have. It can seem like an uphill battle, but it’s worth considering the benefits it can bring your staff and business. Those advantages include satisfied employees, mitigation of risk, and the ability to meet continuous improvement goals.

So, let’s talk about fostering innovation in your cybersecurity culture.

What Is a Cybersecurity Culture of Innovation?

At the foundation of culture are people and behaviors. If those whose job is to protect data and networks have a closed mindset, fail to evolve their conceptions, or believe they are the smartest people in the room, culture will always be toxic. In these cases, risks become greater, turnover is high, and communication is nonexistent.

Conversely, a healthy culture has open-minded participants that want to work together effectively and continuously learn. That is an environment where innovation can thrive. It’s a place that welcomes new ideas, which can lead to a better security posture, engaged employees, and greater productivity. In this scenario, everyone benefits.

As you assess your current culture, you probably have gaps, some more than others. Filling those gaps aligns really well with the Secure Methodology™, so I’ll be referring to that as I describe the steps to take. The Secure Methodology is a seven-step guide for cybersecurity leaders to leverage to develop the people skills of technical folks. These steps don’t focus on cyber skills but rather interpersonal ones, which is the core of culture.

Building a Culture of Innovation

No matter where you’re starting in the culture journey, these pivotal elements will be necessary to propel your organization into one that’s agile, forward-thinking, and connected. Here are the areas to help you formulate a plan.

Cybersecurity Culture Involves Three Different Levels

When considering any culture configuration, there are always three levels to consider, from the top to the individual. While they have different roles in the organization and responsibilities around cybersecurity, they must work together to maintain a culture.


This segment is the c-suite, including the CEO and CISO. They must lead by example if they want the culture to permeate. They are top-level decision-makers, but those don’t happen in a vacuum. They need to understand risk and how cyber operations work, which requires clear, consistent communication from cyber teams and individuals. Unfortunately, communication is often the skill most lacking in technical employees. If those that set the strategy and budgets are only fed geek speak, culture leadership is working with a handicap.

Communication, of course, goes both ways. When leaders set a precedent on how they expect communication to flow, it can break down some barriers. In the end, the c-suite needs communication development, as well. It’s especially true regarding what questions they ask, which should be more granular than they might currently be.


Your cyber team comprises people with various skill sets, experience, and expertise. If they can build a coalition that taps into this, they’ll be at a good place regarding culture. However, we’re talking about behavior, communication, and cooperation. Those things are usually the Achilles’ heel of any cyber team.

The team dynamic and evolving it is a big part of the Secure Methodology. Its guidance takes into account the typical lack of people skills and how that impacts cybersecurity culture. Too often, your team operates in silos and wants to continue in this way. Many times, it’s about a fear that others will find out they don’t know everything. Except that’s precisely the kind of mindset you need to innovate!

When working on culture at this level, the Secure Methodology is an excellent framework that you can use to cultivate communication skills, awareness, empathy, and more.


The last layer of culture is the individual. What applies here is similar to the team level with caveats. The biggest of those is motivation, as each person has their own. At this level, as the leader, you must make specific connections to understand that individual’s capacity to change and grow. It’s the most challenging part of cultural shifts, and not every person on your team will be ready for this.

The Secure Methodology includes exercises throughout the seven steps to assist with this. How each person reacts to these will determine their long-term cultural fit.

Now that we’ve looked at each level of culture, here are some more tips you can use to further the pursuit of innovation.

Find Cultural Evangelists

Within your cyber staff, you’ll find those that are all-in on cementing culture as innovative. These people already have a good base of people skills and will prosper in this new dynamic. Assign those employees to be cultural evangelists. They can work together to develop training and upskilling opportunities. Since it’s coming from their peers, others may find this more inviting and appealing.

Define the Language of Innovation

Earlier I discussed the issues in communication among cyber professionals and mentioned their love of geek speak. Many use this language because they don’t want to reveal their weaknesses or limitations. It’s your job to banish this language and identify what the tenets of communication should be, which can include:

  • Eliminating jargon that has no purpose
  • Encouraging and promoting active listening skills, which are just as important as language
  • Using inclusive language so that those individuals outside of cyber teams would understand
  • Reframing communication as a way to reach a result that technical people can relate to
  • Simplifying messaging
  • Praising positive communication moments to reinforce the value of it
  • Outlining how clear communication leads to innovation

Transform Fixed Mindsets into Growth Mindsets

Mindset is the second step in the Secure Methodology, and it is critical to culture. People either have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. You, of course, want professionals with the latter. That doesn’t mean those with fixed ones can’t evolve and grow, but it does take work.

A fixed mindset hampers your organization’s ability to be proactive in security and forward-thinking. These folks don’t want to innovate around this because it’s too unknown and uncertain. It will also erode culture. Here are some key steps to transform mindsets:

  • Coaching and reflection: When communicating with a fixed mindset, asking the right questions matters. You need to take them back to a moment when their fixed mindset was a barrier. Such a moment could instigate reflection and more awareness of their behaviors.
  • Asking why: Again, questions posed to these folks can create aha moments. There’s an exercise called the 7 Levels Deep Exercise, which I recommend. It will help uncover motivations.
  • Praising mindset changes: The third thing to do is to acknowledge and recognize when you see mindset shifts from fixed to growth. Something as simple as this can make a significant impact on future behavior.

To round out this discussion, I want to leave you with some additional insights into innovation and security.

Innovation and Security Aren’t Foes

One of the biggest misconceptions in the cyber world is that security is a barrier to innovation. Such a perspective is dangerous to your culture and ability to defend data and networks in the cyber war. Security does not impede innovation. In fact, they work together very well with the proper perspective.

It’s not unlike the principles of DevSecOps, where development, security, and operations convene. In this strategy, security is part of the conversation from the beginning. It has equal weight with development and procedures, as it should. You cannot have innovation without security. Innovation, at its core, is about devising solutions that enable better results. If security is outside the innovation bubble, you may have a good idea, but it won’t come to fruition. It won’t be deployable and scalable.

So, you must build the case that they both can coexist harmoniously and should always have a link. Otherwise, you’ll waste time, money, and resources. If you leverage the tips and ideas from this post, you can easily demonstrate how vital security is to innovation.

If you’re ready to build your culture of innovation, you should learn more about the Secure Methodology, which you can find in my book, The Smartest Person in the Room. Additionally, I have a Secure Methodology course, which delves further into the seven steps. Check them both out today.

How to Hire Cybersecurity Professionals to Ensure Success for the Organization and the Employee

cybersecurity hiringHiring practices are different for every field, and for cybersecurity professionals, there are many opinions. In a growing and evolving industry, some standardization exists, including a significant focus on certifications. But do certifications equal talent? Not always. As a cybersecurity leader with years of experience building teams, I want to teach you how to hire cybersecurity professionals so they and your organization can be successful.

The Failures in the Hiring Process

The number one failure by cybersecurity hiring managers is the blindness around certifications. Certifications should illustrate skillsets and experience; however, as I write about in my book, The Smartest Person in the Room, that over-dependence leads to retaining paper tigers. Paper tigers are the folks that look great on paper but aren’t ready for the real world of cybersecurity.

Why Certifications Don’t Hold Too Much Weight

The problem with cybersecurity certifications is that structure isn’t conducive to training people to be job-ready. The design of many is a quick multiple-choice test, which anyone can memorize. It’s not like a skilled trade, requiring hours of training or apprenticeships.

The rush to earn certifications accelerated because of the constant call of a lack of talent in the industry. That is certainly true, but many saw it as an opportunity to have a piece of paper that would lead them to a lucrative career.

Most certifications don’t test for practical, real-life skills in cybersecurity. Some are credible and mix hands-on experience with testing, such as CompTIA and EC-Council. So, if you’re going to look at certifications, investigate what they really mean about that candidate’s acumen.

Hard and Soft Skills Matter

Another area to discuss in hiring cybersecurity professionals is seeking a broad skillset. Cybersecurity is a technical field, so the person you’re interviewing should certainly understand:

  • Penetration testing
  • Ethical hacking
  • Incident response
  • SIEM (security information and event management) tools
  • Audit and compliance rules
  • Malware
  • Device management
  • IAM (Identity and Access Management)

These are all essential hard skills. Certifications and job experience can offer evidence of these. The questions you ask can as well (more on this in the best practices section).

However, don’t focus solely on hard skills. There are lots of great candidates out there that might fall short on an exhaustive list of technical prowess. If they have soft skills and an open mindset, they could be an excellent hire.

These soft skills should be on your radar when hiring cybersecurity professionals:

  • Leadership qualities: Gauge their ability to lead, no matter their career level. Cybersecurity is an intense field and having leaders on your team means they look at the big picture strategically.
  • Passion: One of the things most lacking in cybersecurity teams is passion. I firmly believe that the enemy — hackers — are deeply passionate about what they do, and that’s why they win a lot of the time. If you can find people that have a fire in their gut to learn and grow, they will care very much about keeping your data safe and secure.
  • Collaborative: Cybersecurity professionals shouldn’t work in silos. There are many specialist roles within the field, so it takes a team to execute a strategy and remain vigilant. Lean toward those applicants that appreciate collaboration and want to work in that kind of culture.
  • Communicative: Communication can be challenging for technical professionals. It’s a bit of a stereotype but also true. Being a good communicator isn’t about being articulate or having a large vocabulary. Rather, it means someone is a good listener and that they use communication to understand, show empathy, and work together. There are many ways to foster communication skills for tech folks, and I talk about this a lot in my book.
  • Curious and inquisitive: Cybersecurity professionals should not be afraid to ask questions. Only through these can they determine the organization’s needs and challenges around security. Some people don’t ask questions; they make assumptions. It doesn’t mean they aren’t talented. In fact, much of the time, those in this situation learn this from life experience. Having a curious nature is a great trait for cybersecurity candidates, and you can assess by the way they interact and if they actually ask you questions during the interview.
  • Empathy: Empathy is an attribute that’s an asset in every job. I find it’s constructive in cybersecurity because it enables people to be in the shoes of another and see their perspective. People who can do this can go far in their careers. There’s no substitute for empathy in professional or personal relationships. You can evaluate this characteristic by how the candidate talks and frames situations.

These are outlines of hard and soft skills and not an exhaustive list, but they are good points to consider as you rethink how to hire cybersecurity professionals. Next, I’ll share some best practices for hiring managers.

Best Practices for Cybersecurity Hiring

Whether you’ve been a cybersecurity manager for years or are just starting, this advice can support your recruiting efforts and help you avoid hiring unqualified people. Because once you do, it can become a bad cycle. Ultimately, you want to hire people that have the right skills and fit your culture. Success for all should always be the goal.

Recognize Past Mistakes

If you’ve been recruiting for some time, I would first recommend recognizing past mistakes. We’re all human and make mistakes. What’s important is we learn from them and do better the next time. The reality is that bad hiring hurts everybody. Turnover costs your company real money, and the effect of hiring candidates that are lacking could lead to expensive errors. So, face your past gaffes and go forward without those dragging you down.

Have Real Conversations with Candidates

An interview is a chance for the candidate to sell him or herself. Most interviews are very rigid with detailed questions or checklists. I’m not saying you should toss that out, but this is your chance to get to know the person and vice versa.

Having a natural conversation that touches on who they are and what they know will allow them to feel less nervous and be vulnerable. They may be more honest and introspective, and you can learn a lot about somebody when this happens. You’ll never find that on a resume.

Use an Assessment Tool

In my company, I use the TriMetrix HD. Such a tool allows you to discover important things about an applicant:

  • How they behave and communicate
  • Why moves them into action
  • What personal talents they have
  • Which competencies they have mastered, and to what degree

These aren’t technical tests. They give you insights into soft skills. It’s a good next step in the process after you determine they have technical acumen.

Screen Out Job Hoppers

I typically eliminate job hoppers from the applicant pile. This is not a finite rule; some people with multiple shorter job histories may have been the victim of layoffs or acquisitions. However, in the field, it’s rampant. Most of the time, if somebody is changing jobs every six to 18 months, it’s a red flag. If that looks to be the case, you should probably move on to others.

Don’t Rush Hiring

In many cases, the need to hire cybersecurity professionals is urgent. You needed somebody yesterday, but don’t let that guide you. You’ll make rash decisions that may not pan out just to have a body in a chair. Instead, have a strategic plan that will lead you to the right people. It will take longer, but it’s worth it in the long run.

Ensure Candidates Align with Organizational Values

Most companies, big and small, have a set of company values. Hopefully, these are more than in name only. Your values create your culture. The expectation is that your employees live and respect these.

You can ask candidates questions about your values. Talking about your culture and its attributes with the person should also give you insight into if they believe in them. You can find someone with amazing tech skills, but the employment will likely not last if they aren’t a good culture fit.

Seek Out Those with Great Focus

Monotasking is a pillar of my Secure Methodology, a framework for nurturing and fostering cybersecurity professionals to have better habits and behaviors. Monotasking is the opposite of multitasking and requires focus, which is very important in cybersecurity. You can tell a lot in body language about focus. Another way to assess for it is to ask them how they work. Those who see the value in monotasking could be great team members.

Cybersecurity Hiring: Get It Right So It’s Mutually Beneficial

Cybersecurity hiring can be challenging. There are many considerations — things to do and not to do. Focusing on hard and soft skills, deprioritizing certifications, and implementing these best practices can help. You can learn more about my hiring advice and the Secure Methodology by reading The Smartest Person in the Room.

Why Do Technical People Struggle with People Skills? And How Can Companies Fix It?

7 Step Secure Methodology - Christian Espinosa
The Secure Methodology Improves People and Life Skills

People skills are a challenge for many individuals. It’s often a combination of personality and experiences. Technical people often get put in a category of lacking them. While this is not universal, it does account for some of the failings of cybersecurity strategies.

Without a robust soft skill set, these professionals get caught in a cycle of bad communication practices, a lack of curiosity, and posturing. It’s time to peel back the onion on why they struggle in this area and how to fix it.

Why Technical People Struggle with People Skills

This analysis comes from years of experience, research, and asking the hard questions. Again, it’s not a condemnation of those in technical fields. Many have a nice balance and are thriving. Through the years, I’ve met and worked with many highly articulate, open, and excellent cybersecurity experts. However, in general, this is the exception, not the rule.

In my book, The Smartest Person in the Room, I lay out the evidence for why this struggle is all too real.

They See the World Exclusively in 1s and 0s

It’s hard to communicate and collaborate with others when your world is solely 1s and 0s or very black and white. The reality is that the world, people, and cybersecurity are gray. That’s hard for some technical minds to grasp.

In a lot of technical disciplines, there is a right answer and a wrong answer. No discussion required. It’s probably more applicable to some areas of math and science. However, cybersecurity isn’t just math and science. It’s an ever-evolving field. New risks and threats emerge all the time.

Further, it requires asking questions and understanding business needs. That can send some technical folks into a free-fall. They don’t have a naturally curious nature in public, so they fall back on what they know and don’t try to find out what they don’t. They fear curiosity in front on others may appear as a lack of knowing or incompetence.

Insecurity Leads to Soft Skill Failure

Many cybersecurity professionals never want to be wrong — another reflection of black/white thinking. The feeling often comes because they are insecure. They cling to certainty, and interacting with other people and having meaningful conversations are too uncertain.

They let insecurity guide what they do, pushing back on the need for two-way dialogue. They’ll figure it out on their own and don’t want to entertain outside ideas. That then leads to posturing.

Poor Communication Sinks Cybersecurity

There is a misconception that technical jobs don’t require communication skills. That’s not true. Every role depends on communication, and when that’s a challenge, it’s a house of cards filled with assumptions. It’s the biggest shortfall for many technical people. It doesn’t mean they aren’t articulate or don’t have a good vocabulary. It means they can’t converse in a healthy and productive manner. Having honest and transparent communication is about listening more than talking. Unfortunately, many people aren’t good at that. These communication issues will bring down any company department.

People fail at communication for many reasons, as discussed above — insecurity, fear, a closed mind, a lack of empathy. This revelation isn’t unknown. A study on business communications found that 89 percent of respondents believe effective communication is important. Yet, 80 percent of those same people said that communication in their company was average or poor.

However, it’s not a dead end. There are ways to develop communication and other soft skills.

Fixing the People Skills Problem for Technical Professionals

Attaining better people skills was a self-journey. The consequences, however, didn’t just benefit me. They helped me create a process that any technical employee can navigate and come out the other side.

There’s no magic fix for evolving people, and they must want to change. So, that’s a barrier for sure. If you’re going to invest in helping your team, you want to know they’re open and have a growth-mindset.

What I’ve developed to counter this problem is the Secure Methodology. The following is a quick review of the framework and how it works. By employing it, people can start to see the gray in the world and be better cybersecurity professionals and experience personal growth as well.

The Secure Methodology

Step One: Awareness

The first step is about being aware of yourself and others. The lack of awareness in a professional setting causes you to miss blind spots. It also causes relationship issues at work because without awareness, communication is poor, and posturing reigns.

The mind has to open itself to new perspectives to achieve awareness. That requires coaching on communication and understanding what motivates a person. There are exercises that can strengthen the awareness “muscle” and open eyes.

Step Two: Mindset

You either have a fixed or growth mindset. Those with poor people skills are trapped in fixed. It’s not permanent. The key to a growth mindset is accountability. It’s no secret that a growth mindset is critical for cybersecurity. So, you must open those minds. The best way to approach it is to encourage reflection, ask the right questions, and urge quick decision-making.

Step Three: Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment in the workplace is a rampant issue. In cybersecurity, without positive acknowledgment, employees fall into disengagement and resentment. Many times, if there is acknowledgment, it’s negative, which feeds into further anger.

The other issue is that a cybersecurity team that receives no acknowledgment can’t concede their overly complex framework isn’t working. They lose the ability to simplify. To end this cycle, you should recognize their positives in the present before you expect them to master acknowledgment. You can improve this by building rapport and trust with exercises from the book.

Step Four: Communication

We’ve talked a lot about communication because it’s applicable in every aspect of nurturing people. We’ve identified the reasons why people are bad at it. Another critical factor is that technical folks like to speak geek as a sign of their higher intelligence. For those outside the industry, it may as well be another language, and technical professionals have to interact with non-technical folks. They build a wall with it instead of a bridge.

Shared language is inclusive and promotes active listening. Getting to this involves reframing and simplification, achievable through specific activities.

Step Five: Monotasking

The world wrongly praises multitasking, believing it epitomizes capability. In fact, humans weren’t born to multitask. It’s a real problem in the cybersecurity field, leading to errors and mistakes. It also creates a lot of anxiety — as if anyone needs more of that.

Retraining to monotask means that you can focus completely on one task. It can be much more productive than trying to do five things at once. Fostering this behavior includes blocking time for specific tasks and blocking out distractions (that means not answering a call, email, or text immediately).

Step Six: Empathy

A cybersecurity culture without empathy will not succeed, at least not long-term. You may wonder why it matters in technical roles. It matters in everything, really. The problem in the workplace is an us vs. them mentality. There’s no room for consideration and compassion in this model.

Empathy is a core people skill, but we’re not born with it. It’s something people develop. When it’s nonexistent, technical people don’t care about their clients or their data. Nor do they have concern for colleagues. If you’ve been able to make it through the first five steps, then you’re on a path to spreading empathy. There are also specific activities to do on the team level to develop it further.

Step Seven: Kaizen

The final step is a Japanese term meaning “continuous improvement.” In terms of the Secure Methodology, it’s a more tangible action of root cause analysis. Root cause analysis helps understand real problems and how to improve them. That applies to cybersecurity and people skills. Mastering it requires constant change and adaption, and you can’t get there without the former six steps.

Do Better People Skills Really Lead to Better Cybersecurity?

You may look at the Secure Methodology and think it sounds great in theory but are skeptical about its real-world implications. That’s fair. Again, there isn’t a guarantee because nothing is. What you should know is that it’s proven. I’ve witnessed it, and I can without hesitation say that better people skills lead to better cybersecurity.

If this is a path you want to send your team on because you realize the deficit of soft skills, your next step is to get the complete picture of the Secure Methodology by reading my book, The Smartest Person in the Room. In it, you’ll find activities specific to the seven steps to build the people skills they’re missing.

Check Out The Smartest Person in The Room